Thursday, 14 June 2018

Compare contrast essay

In this survey the 63.3% are Basques but the 36.7 are Turkos .in the first question how many hours we watch TV per day the most percent has bounced that does not watch TV,the 26,7 they saw between 1 and 3 hours ,meanwhile ,the 33,3 they saw less than a hour.

On the other hand the second question is how many hours we spend at school per day.Here the most percent the 46,7 has bonced that he spend 7 hours.The 26,7 percent bonced 6 hours ,on the contrary,23,3 percent vouteted 8 hours.

On the contrary the 90 percent of the people do sport the other ones no.

Meanwhile all of them have a group of friends.

And this is all the question and answers.